Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Apartment

I moved into my new place on Tuesday and there are positives and negatives. I won't list them all. Let's just say that it is great living on my own and I can't wait to decorate and furnish the apartment, but I am pretty lonely. When I am home, Corey is at work. Then, when I am at work, Corey is at home... We only see each other when we are both exhausted.  Hope fully this weekend will be nice. Get some more furniture and organize some stuff. Plus we are going to help his parents put up the Christmas decorations.. I can't believe that it is Christmastime already!!

So, my photo for this post will be something completely unrelated until I can get some photos of my apartments, then I will post some!

Pretty much what the weathers been like these last few weeks. Hoping to see some freaking SNOW soon... Although, it will make it rather difficult to get to work and school..  but I just can't help it. The year before last it snowed like crazy.. Everyone else hated it. I LOVED IT..

This shot was actually taken back in my hometown. :) Going back there in a few weeks!!

Tata for now,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting Day

SOOO... I did not get around to taking any photos on Halloween, which I am a little disappointed about, but I did find my memory cards from my trip to New York City :) WOO~!!**

If you are older than 18 and are not registered to vote, then you should register. If you are registered to vote, then I certainly hope that you did today! It's hard to stay in the know (especially about political nonsense) but it really does affect you, even if you don't notice it. It only takes a little research to find out all you need to know about the different candidates and initiatives that you are to vote for in your area. It's worth the time!

"I am Rachel Lyons, and I approve this message."

This message paid for by The Rachel Lyons Voting Encouragement Committee.

**This photo is a little bit blown out in the sky area, but I mostly just like it because of the point of view on the flag. Also, this is the church located across from Ground Zero that is still standing and holds the memorials for 9/11.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ummm.. Its been awhile, hasn't it? :)

I don't know how to get this to not be underlined anymore!!! :(

Anyways, I was assigned a photo project in my PHOTO110 class about movement and timing. The three categories were Frozen Action, Motion Blur, and Panning. My favorite category was Motion Blur, because the options for what shutter speed as well as what I could do creatively are greater! So, I tried a couple of things, one of them being light drawing with glow sticks. This is my version of FIRE:

Then, for the Panning one, I asked for some assistance from Corey:). He was unwilling at first, but finally obliged.. Here is the best one I got.

Surprisingly difficult... Then for the next one, I kind of screwed up because I waited until last minute and then I had terrible lighting. Blah blah.. But I will put it up here anyways, so that you can see the differences. Frozen Action-ish:

That is the one that I WISH I could have used. But it was at the wrong focal length, shutter speed, ISO, etc. But I like it, so thats all that matters. :P

PS. Cant wait for Halloween. I will take some photos of me and Corey in our costumes :)


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fun, Food, and Friends

Three of the best things in the world are represented by this letter:I hope that everyone finds the time today to have a little fun with their friends while eating some fantastic food. :) I am about to have the fun part, and I just ate some food. Now, all I need is some friends! That's okay, for right now, I am content to call my friends that sun and a nice book to hang out with.

Speaking of friends though, I really miss my friends from Georgia, especially Kimberly and Hannah. When I was visiting, I luckily got to spend part of the day with Hannah before she left for India (where she is now... I worry about her, but she is so smart and savvy, I know she'll be fine!) And I just about spent time with Kimberly every other day I was there! Laying out in the sun, going out to clubs, and having a gay ol' time!! haha So, being "home" it is bittersweet because I no longer get to spend time with my wonderful friends... I just can't wait until my next visit! :)

LOVE to all,
(or whoever reads this thing)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trees are the noodles... in my alphabet soup:)

I was given an assignment in my ART115 class (which I found out I made an A in) to take photos of objects in their natural, unaltered state that resemble the letters of the Alphabet. In my search, my eyes were opened to the many elements of nature and I have learned (and continue to learn) not to take things at their face-value, but to dig deeper. This is a VERY valuable lesson for a photographer and I am very thankful for this assignment in teaching me it. :) Here, I have decided (as was done in my flickr photostream) to post the photos that I collected in groups.
Since I have begun the process and made it to letters A-E, I will post up until that on this:)
Thank you,

Friday, January 29, 2010

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Roots - Family history

Monday, January 25, 2010

Little Miss Pink

Another day, another photo. Haven't written in a while. Can't stay long. Just wanted to share this little cupcake. :) Since this is the theme for my blog, its only appropriate~!

Welcome 2010

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