Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fun, Food, and Friends

Three of the best things in the world are represented by this letter:I hope that everyone finds the time today to have a little fun with their friends while eating some fantastic food. :) I am about to have the fun part, and I just ate some food. Now, all I need is some friends! That's okay, for right now, I am content to call my friends that sun and a nice book to hang out with.

Speaking of friends though, I really miss my friends from Georgia, especially Kimberly and Hannah. When I was visiting, I luckily got to spend part of the day with Hannah before she left for India (where she is now... I worry about her, but she is so smart and savvy, I know she'll be fine!) And I just about spent time with Kimberly every other day I was there! Laying out in the sun, going out to clubs, and having a gay ol' time!! haha So, being "home" it is bittersweet because I no longer get to spend time with my wonderful friends... I just can't wait until my next visit! :)

LOVE to all,
(or whoever reads this thing)


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