Saturday, December 19, 2009

How the Meany Stole Christmas!

This is Mean Lady, whose name has recently been shortened to "Meany". She is a scratching, biting, growling, hissing evil kitten!!! But i love her! She is sweet when she sleeps, and if she is in a reallllly good mood, she even might let you pet her. Recently, she has laid in my lap while I am on the computer. Maybe she is calming down a little. She is getting older and hopefully she will stop torturing the older cats soon.... Anyways, it's Mean Lady's first Christmas everyone~! I bet you i know what she is getting!

A lump of coal. :)

Happy Holidays,

6 Days til Christmas!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sprinkle Me With Christmas Joy

I suppose I will continue on my cookie story. So, this competition I was referring to is going on today. This shot has to beat one of a Gingerbread House and a gingerbread maiden named "Ginger M" that are decorated with pink icing! I guess we will see:) I am hopeful, but I don't know if I have the popularity or the skill to win. I am proud of the cookies and how they turned out, as well as the photos themselves.

Today is a pretty exciting day for another reason too! One of my best friend from high school who currently attends NYU is coming home for christmas break today, so I am going to make her some pretty ginger snaps to bring in her holiday season. Can you believe that they aren't even allowed to have a christmas tree where she lives? That's sad! So, I'm going to help her get into the christmas spirit by making her some cookies!


7 Days til Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Anatomy of A Gingerbread Man

I have decided that, in the spirit of the season, I shall do my first blog post centered around this photo of some "ginger people" that I had the fun time creating! I feel like the Muffin Woman (who was the wife of the guy that lived on Drury Lane, but no one cared about her *tisk tisk*)... And in the spirit of gingerbread, I just finished watching Shrek 2, which is hilarious!!! and has Gingy and Mongo in it. For those of you who haven't seen it a million times, Mongo is the gigantic gingerbread creation that the Muffin Man makes to help them to break into the castle at the end of the movie. Good story:) Anyways, making all these wonderful gingerbread creations in my kitchen was great fun. I'm not much of a baker, but I guess if you have enough help from Pillsbury and Duncan Hines, anything is possible. ;-) But let's go back to the beginning. WHY am I making and decorating all the cookies? Well, its a competition between me and a very close friend of mine. So, I decided to make a gingerbread couple along with the rest of the cookies that I decorated. This is a very close-up macro, so you can see the details of thier "outfits" and you can tell who is the man and who is the woman. I liked this view of them better than the straight on, just from an artistic standpoint. And I also like that you can see all the shiny sprinkles and gel :) Well, I hope that everyone (HAH thats funny.....) enjoys this photo as much as Santa would enjoy eating them~!

Happy Holidays,

9 Days til Christmas!!!!

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