Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ummm.. Its been awhile, hasn't it? :)

I don't know how to get this to not be underlined anymore!!! :(

Anyways, I was assigned a photo project in my PHOTO110 class about movement and timing. The three categories were Frozen Action, Motion Blur, and Panning. My favorite category was Motion Blur, because the options for what shutter speed as well as what I could do creatively are greater! So, I tried a couple of things, one of them being light drawing with glow sticks. This is my version of FIRE:

Then, for the Panning one, I asked for some assistance from Corey:). He was unwilling at first, but finally obliged.. Here is the best one I got.

Surprisingly difficult... Then for the next one, I kind of screwed up because I waited until last minute and then I had terrible lighting. Blah blah.. But I will put it up here anyways, so that you can see the differences. Frozen Action-ish:

That is the one that I WISH I could have used. But it was at the wrong focal length, shutter speed, ISO, etc. But I like it, so thats all that matters. :P

PS. Cant wait for Halloween. I will take some photos of me and Corey in our costumes :)


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